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الثلاثاء 2 يوليو 2024
KSrelief Supervisor General: Saudi Arabia provided USD 713 million in 2020 to support countries in confronting COVID-19
واس - وكالة الانباء السعودية
بواسطة : واس - وكالة الانباء السعودية 04-07-2021 03:58 مساءً 5.7K
المصدر -  Brindisi, Italy, July 4, 2021, SPA -- Advisor at the Royal Court and Supervisor General of King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Rabeeah has stressed the importance of the G20 ministerial meeting held recently in Brindisi, Italy, which included proposals and solutions to confront and limit the repercussions of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
In a statement, Dr. Al Rabeeah said that the meeting discussed the most important challenges facing the world due to the pandemic, and what needs to be done to avoid these challenges. He added that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia emphasized the importance of partnership with international factories to transfer vaccine technology to other regions. He also said that Saudi Arabia proposed that it be a regional hub for technology transfer and health industries, and a logistical hub for transferring humanitarian needs to needy countries in Africa and Asia.
KSrelief Supervisor General said that during the meeting, Saudi Arabia's leading roles in humanitarian work and its great efforts to support countries in facing the pandemic were emphasized, adding that the Kingdom provided USD 713 million in 2020 and provided vaccines to countries in need.
Dr. Al Rabeeah concluded that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's efforts to support refugees, especially during the pandemic, were also reviewed during the meeting.