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الثلاثاء 4 مارس 2025
دكتوره ريم العنزي
دكتوره ريم العنزي
دكتوره ريم العنزي

Contribution of Saudi Leadership in Fighting Coronavirus Pandemic

The great Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been in the frontline towards curbing the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. Through the leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the country has taken significant actions to assist in the fight against the epidemic, steps which have received recognition by people of different status and capacities. The steps were taken by the leader not only aim to protect its people but also to provide assistance in fighting the epidemic in other parts of the world.
In his speech, King Salman brings to the attention of people of the difficult times the country and the world are experiencing. However, the ruler communicates hope to his people, assuring them that the crisis is just a phase that will come to pass. Quoting from his speech, he says, “…we entirely realize that it is just a phase that will pass despite its cruelty, bitterness, and difficulty…” (Alshehri, 2020). Importantly, the leader strengthens the faith of his people by reflecting on Muslim religious beliefs regarding the overcoming of the pandemic. Also, the leader urges his people to continue being strong in confronting the disease by collaborating with the state, which gives the human life of its people the first priority. Similarly, he assures the people and its residents of food, medication, and the provision of other living needs during this tough period (Alshehri, 2020). Moreover, the King recognizes and congratulates the health workers for their efforts and urges them to continue working hard during this difficult time.
Also, the King has given an order for the residency violators to receive free health care, a step that has attracted significant praise. Primarily, the ruler of Saudi Arabia provided free healthcare to people who have violated the residency, labor, and regulation of border security who are infected or suspected of being infected (Ajel.SA News, 2020). Several princesses, ministers, and officials have praised the order stating that it reflects humanitarian gesture from a leader who is keen on human health safety and who follows the guideline of Sharia that urges the preservation of the human soul. Similarly, the ruler of Saudi Arabia provided $10 million to the World Health Organization (WHO) to assist in the efforts to curb the coronavirus spread. According to Ajel.SA (2020), The Director-General of WHO, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, expresses sincere gratitude and appreciation to King Salman for his significant monetary contribution to the organization to enable combating of the virus.
Likewise, under the leadership of King Salman, Saudi Arabia has offered to support the fight against coronavirus in Palestine and Yemen. Ajel.SA (2020) state that during the tenth virtual conference of an ad hoc committee on fighting the COVID-19 in the affected nations, led by the supervisor general of the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Centers (KSrelief), six contracts were signed with specialized companies designated to provide medical support to Palestine and Yemen. The donation is given in compliance with King Salman’s instructions to support countries that are affected by the pandemic.
Moreover, in the implementation of the directives given by King Salman and Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, GACA has completed the preparation to repatriate the Saudi nationals located abroad (Ajel.SA, 2020). Notably, with the participation of the Ministry of Tourism, ministry of foreign affairs, ministry of interior, and the State Security Presidency, GACA has prepared a joint operating room in all three global airports (Ajel.SA, 2020). The aim of this is to coordinate and unify the efforts among the relevant agencies of the government to receive Saudi nationals who wish to return to their country.
Besides, Prof. Abdullah Al-Dhalan, a Saudi national who is an attaché in Ireland, states that 24 Saudi doctors placed under the Kings Foreign Scholarship Program in the country are assisting their fellow Irish colleagues in attending to the people infected with coronavirus in various hospitals (Aljan.SN, 2020). Similarly, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Saudi Arabia (2020). There are around 6000 Saudi doctors around the world that are assisting in fighting the epidemic. The various doctors are in hospitals based in countries that include France, the United Kingdom, Vienna, Switzerland, Italy, Canada, Germany, and Ireland.
Furthermore, the King of Saudi Arabia chaired a video conference that was set up for the leaders from the G20 major economies to discuss the pandemic of coronavirus. The meeting invited leaders from other countries such as Spain, Singapore, Switzerland, and Jordan. Also, international organizations, as well as regional organizations, were invited to the meeting. King Salman chaired the G20 meeting and advanced a coordinated global response to the pandemic of coronavirus as well as its human and economic impacts.
As the nationals of Saudi Arabia, we express our utmost gratitude to our leader, King Salman, for being in the lead to fight the coronavirus epidemic. His efforts to keep us safe cannot be overlooked. The leader has been a symbol of hope to the citizens of Saudi Arabia during this tough period. His efforts to provide food and other needs to the Saudi nationals as well as extending his hand to help other affected countries such as Palestine and Yemen shows a great attribute of humanity. We indeed feel honored and blessed by his leadership. For that and many other decisive actions that he has taken during this hard time, we say thank you, King Salman.

Ajel.SA. (2020). King Salman's order of free health care to violators of residency with coronavirus witnesses big praise. Ajel News. https://ajelen.com/king-salmans-order-of-free-health-care-to-violators-of-residency-with-coronavirus-witnesses-big-praise/
Ajel.SA. (2020). WHO thanks King Salman for providing $10 million to curb the spread of coronavirus. Ajel News. https://ajelen.com/who-thanks-king-salman-for-providing-10-million-to-curb-the-spread-of-coronavirus/
Ajel.SA. (2020). GACA intensifies efforts to repatriate saudis. Ajel News. https://ajelen.com/gaca-intensifies-efforts-to-repatriate-saudis/
Ajel.SA. (2020). 24 Saudi doctors support their Irish counterparts in fighting coronavirus. Ajel News. https://ajelen.com/24-saudi-doctors-support-their-irish-counterparts-in-fighting-coronavirus/
Alshehri, M. (2020). King Salman speech regarding ongoing coronavirus outbreak [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zkchJ-9R4-A
Ministry of Foreign Affairs [KSAmofaEN]. (2020). 6000 Saudi Doctors on the front lines in different hospitals around the world. Welcome to Twitter. https://twitter.com/KSAmofaEN/status/1249797140601360386

بواسطة : دكتوره ريم العنزي
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