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الثلاثاء 4 مارس 2025
رافع حلبي
رافع حلبي
رافع حلبي

Iran's strategic risk

After the hub world and rose up on the background of United States Declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel, the United States and its allies world calls now to address Iran and hegemony imposed on countries in the Middle East to terrorism first and second vandalism By terrorist organizations backed by Octopus fitted Iranian in these States, Iran marches ahead and flout United Nations resolutions, and sell or distribute their weapons on the collaborators of the Middle East, founded and supported Allah party in Lebanon and earned a lot of money to pay Gear for his training and strengthened it created great confusion among the political groups and the Lebanese people in Beirut and weakened state, Allah party soldiers used in the Syrian war against ISIS and victory on Syrian territory, and that's very odd, organize terrorist another terrorist organization fights for her State sovereignty And political boundaries, and this is one of the Middle East gains support for Damascus and allowed Uran trained in camps turning their movement of social movement work in the preparation and the people to rebel groups on the Yemeni army's combat power and took control of Sanaa and ordered Iran to launch Long range missile at an airport in the territory of Saudi Arabia as a warning to the King, Government and people of Saudi Arabia they planned next phase in Iranian, and agreed with the Iraqi Federal Government for passing armies and whatever they need for the war in Syria and Baghdad agreed allowed them to pass without No obstacles, the Iranian President announced hurried four Arab capitals in the region receive orders from Tehran and subject in one form or another to the General in the region, Iran's strategy applies thought centred on achieving the dream of the old Iranian, Iranian Persian Empire-building The whole Middle East as it was at the time ruled for 700 years.

Iran has been and continues to be a rebel on the situation in the Middle East and the world for over thirty-five years ago, seemed to want to wrestle a bear while has plenty of time and space in wait and undergo further critical resolutions and established it doesn't have power which enable them to wrestle him into , Thus acting terrorist organizations in the world and Iran in this episode is behaving like a terrorist organization annoys people and Nations safe from neighbors and trying to buy time so that the opportunities of the same building to become a superpower like the other great countries in the world in terms of economic and material manufacturing Gear and technological devices and ballistic weapons and long range missiles and other weapons and other lethal chemical and nuclear weapons that threaten the safety of the entire world, Iran doesn't care what's being said about her and what does the United Nations Council and is adamant in her actions even if attacked every States West and East together these actions apply to terrorist and religious extremist organizations, the Iranian nation has a lot of problems in daily life and family are almost daily power finds no difficulty where life and prevents the Iranian people than demonstrations to overthrow them from Home security force and internal activities as a Government and institutions that don't allow for a lot of simple things in East and West for individual freedom and expression and almost non-existent in Iran and all the people who were its nearly 100 million single-sided coin and Very difficult or almost impossible that the coup people to change the system of Government in which all try to assume the firm failures so no one would dare to do this patronage Iran stresses to the United Nations and the world body that it does not work in all areas of nuclear and missile weapons, particularly industry but confirmed signed time and time again in an appropriate since this State seeking to become State deficiency does not disclose many things requested of the United Nations in this deliberately. To lie and prevaricate to peoples and Nations of the world and that has a lot of enemies even in relatively small developing States, the United Nations body's decisions refusing to confirm it doesn't work on nuclear weapons industry especially understands they continue to dodge the whole world and that in itself is a clear signal that they care. And I don't care what the United Nations Council decides to launch a rocket or more far-reaching toward a secure State as Saudi Arabia by Yemeni houthi territory would be a violation of all internationally accepted laws and decisions will not call Allah party houthi terrorist State-backed terrorist supporter? As Iran only after Iran decided and examined step and next steps then, here trying to rescue her Allah party Iran houthi terrorist because in the lurch about the rightful army for the Yemeni Government legitimacy that pursuing terrorists to limit their control and effectiveness on all Yemeni territories and seeking to prevent them Do the right people's collective massacres and tribal people who support the Yemeni military in the performance of duty towards the Government and country, the issue of missiles manufactured by Iran and provided to those who are backing her unconditionally is an exceptional case of terrorist State roam freely in the Middle unchallenged and The United Nations and Western allies to recruit the largest possible number of States sending the largest number of soldiers to the Middle East to protect it from Iran's Octopus arms extend to every place and exploits the ideological religious situation in the center of things to ignite sedition between Sunnis for Shiites on one side and a Muslim and a Christian and a Jew On the other hand exploits poor peoples in the middle of the physical aspects of economic and intellectual aspects of rationality on the other side where no Middle Eastern peoples could unite around one leader or one thought of Iraq since the beginning of the Arab spring, Tehran fear not entangle itself in war world Objects with all countries of the world have gotten Uran in Yemen and Allah's victory party is still killing and looting and lynching opponents to him day and night and Allah party involved in internecine war in Syria and the Lebanese Government would otherwise rational thinking with concepts of the West and give maximum value to human dignity and to the idea of a civil war in Lebanon broke out of Don't thank again ensued, causing this war not only with the permission of Allah party Octopus Tehrani.

Iran too bother naming Persian Gulf Arabian Gulf this Persian Octopus wants control over the Arabian Sea and Persian Gulf bye price to not bother her one and of course I don't annoy her army and one of the vessels in the Gulf, this is a very important water Iran to extend its authority over the region without competing on the Warm water is a regional bomber out of all countries in the world with goods and industries for export as well as import, this Arabic States stands from Oman and Kuwait even Iran's Lookout, developed these States themselves and develop their ports to accommodate heavy cargo tankers ships across the sea and this It annoys Iran because without any coordination with Iranian Octopus lies for prey, lookout for hours being able to start sucking her blood to impose authority and domination by force.

This proposal to the United Nations and allies to address the Iranian issue:

A. Prof. Iran and expelled all representatives of United Nations body double for penalties not to implement the resolutions of the United Nations so far.

B. Do not allow the warships and Iranian and other business out of warm water and international commitment to the Iranian territorial waters.

C. Do not allow the Iranian aircraft carriers for passengers and cargo and military planes take off any State for three months.

D. Re all Iranian travelers to their countries without exception.

E. Move the Allied fleets and armies to the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean, to ensure implementation of the resolutions of the United Nations and to the allies.

F. Prevent oil-consuming countries through Iran from dealing with Iran and securing them with oil from other countries.

G. Cordoned off and inside Iran so they can keep making weapons and missiles and nuclear arms.

H. Punish all those who contravene the resolutions of the United Nations body dealing with Iran, like Iran itself, it deals with the devil is Satan himself.

To implement these decisions and items of great importance for this scaling Iranian blood thirsty Monster Octopus and terrorism, and on the whole world to remember always that the cold war the West off the East (Russia and the United States and allies off West Europe) has ended and the world today. A far cry from such wars cold quiet dynamic world today and it has moving a lot of forces of evil and oppression and darkness off the forces of goodness and light and life while we cherish life there in this strange world wonder of sanctified death and never waking up the world today from his slumber come one day The whole world is dealing with this Iranian silky fingers Octopus sincere for fear that angry and then I will own this Octopus unconventional weapons and hard modes and hard to deal with and the time will be too late, this Iranian terrorism that fights terrorism in Syria issued fifty battalion to the war there. And sacrifice day and night in his war and loses many of his army officers and soldiers, this war is a war of Jihad, and the same process over five brigades sent to aid the houthi terrorist organization Hizb Allah in their coup against the legitimate Government and its army.

In the end most peoples and Nations of the world you want to live in peace and security, development and evolution in time, want to live in freedom and democracy until the Arabs and Iranians, East and West only dreams that are impossible to pay some of the world's peoples to take steps do not fit the spirit of the age and culture Modern moving toward religious extremism and spoil to all peoples and Nations of the world.

RafA Halabi
بواسطة : رافع حلبي
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