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فريق التحرير

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الجمعة 27 ديسمبر 2024
بواسطة : 04-12-2015 07:38 صباحاً 8.5K
المصدر -  

Hermo Malaguit American inventor trying to save the environment.

Hermo Malaguit, a health care professional and an inventor. I have invented Sink Magic PSWD - a portable sink water diverter or a hybrid of a "stopper combined with a drain" over 3 years ago.

me: Mr Hermo Malaguit can you tell me What is the thing that inspired you and made you invented this geniusinvention?
Mr Hermo Malguit : well........It all began when my wife went back to school and all my kids were also in school. I worked the graveyard shift so when I get home in the morning , the sink is always full of dirty dishes and everybody's gone! Nobody to wash the dishes except me. The problem was I hated washing dishes because it takes too long to do, the dish water is nasty and disgusting, and the scrubbing can be tedious and frustrating! I would spend more than an hour each day trying to clean all the dirty dishes. It seemed endless and mundane! Then one day, I had an idea!
I created a gadget that made a replenishing basin which allowed me to soak the dishes while it sits on the sink and wash them efficiently fast when I had time. It answered the problems I had before; it had always cut my dishwashing time and I didn't have to dig into the nasty dirty water just to remove the plug, and most of all, it eliminated the hard scrubbing involved in dishwashing! I also realized that when I saved time, I also saved water and money simultaneously! Sink Magic PSWD works is very easy! Just two connections to assemblethen, just wet it, plug into the drain! You can either start washing immediately or create a basin of warm water and soap for soaking and attending later when you have more time. have developed a passion to share this wonderful convenience to everyone! Making dishwashing easy will create great interest for children to help out without hesitation. My goal is for millions of people discover and utilize Sink Magic so they can have more personal time, more saved money, less household stress, and most of all, preserve more water for our children and their future generation! I am hoping this campaign will make people be aware of this new and exciting kitchen gadget that will make their lives better while benefiting the environment simultaneously. The crowd funding proceeds will be used to help revise the Sink Magic packaging into a more earth-friendly package using recyclable materials and ordering more product for inventory and distribution so more people will have the chance to understand and experience the sink magic benefits as soon as possible!