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الثلاثاء 4 مارس 2025

On the International Human Rights Day

Rasd Coalition Documents Thousands of Casualties Among Civilians and Calls for Effective Intervention by the International Community
د.رشا عُمر باشا- امريكا
بواسطة : د.رشا عُمر باشا- امريكا 10-12-2018 12:08 مساءً 11.2K
المصدر -  
The world commemorates today, 10 December the International Human Rights Day which comes this year and Yemen witnesses catastrophic humanitarian situations for the fourth year consecutively resulted from the ongoing war triggered by Houthis coup in September 2014.

According to reports published by the Yemeni Coalition for Monitoring Human Rights Violations “Rasd”, civilians deaths since September 2014 has reached 14460, 22 thousand injured, 18750 detainees and abductees, and 6172 child recruited by all parties to the conflict. While land mines laid by Houthis militia have killed 920 civilians.

Rasd Coalition stresses that such violations are flagrant breach to the international human rights law and the international humanitarian law by these parties.

Within this context, Rasd Coalition calls the international community for effective intervention to stop these violations and play an effective, impartial and independent role towards the human rights situation in the country, and to take all necessary measures to deter the perpetrators.

Rasd Coalition also calls upon all conflicting parties to protect civilians and to distinguish between civilians and combatants, apply the international law provisions related to distinction, precautions and proportionality and to stop all forms of violations against civilians, release all arbitrarily detained and forcibly disappeared persons, particularly among activists and human rights defenders.

The Coalition further calls for fair compensation and reparation for all victims within a comprehensive transitional justice process.

By the Yemeni Coalition for Monitoring Human Rights Violations
10 December 2018