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الثلاثاء 4 مارس 2025
دكتوره ريم العنزي
دكتوره ريم العنزي
دكتوره ريم العنزي

Saudi Arabia in Peace and War

The history of Saudi Arabia with respect to consolidating security and peace in the region is bright and unquestionable. It is clear from Saudi Arabia’s foreign policy that is adheres to diplomatic norms in peace and war. The Saudi diplomatic apparatus is an effective tool that shows the state’s positions on the international scene, which reflects the country image to the outside world. Just recently, in September of 2022, the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman played a crucial role in a deal that resulted in the release of 10 foreign prisoners who had been captured in Ukraine during the current and ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict. The deal allowed for a major prisoner swap between the two warring countries. The Prince affirmed that he helped conduct the deal for humanitarian reasons. He was the main reason for the most significant prisoner exchanges of the war so war in which 215 Ukrainian soldiers were exchanged for 55 Russian fighter, as well as a Ukrainian politician Victor Medvedchuk, who was in favor of Russia.

It is clear that many political actors as well as the media has been demonizing Saudi Arabia and have been spreading misinformation. However, the truth is quite apparent. Even though there are 13 countries in the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), only Saudi Arabia was pinpointed. Other than that, in the war between Russia and Ukraine, many of the American Democrats blame Saudi Arabia for its involvement in the war, where there is none. It can sometimes be very difficult for those who sin to become aware of the truth. Yet, the truth is that the Saudi government cannot and does not indulge in meddling with the elections of any other country. Saudi Arabia is aware of the boundaries that it must never cross and it never does. Many people have been upset about the oil production; however, they have remained silent about the U.S. selling more than 300% the amount of natural gas to Europe than previously done. No one has dared to write about that or criticise the U.S. for that. This is why countries should learn to not meddle in the affairs of others.

According to the holy Quran, “But they plan, and Allah plans. And Allah is the best of planners” {Surah Al-Anfal:30}. My recommendation to the United States of America is to consider this verse and take it as a lesson. Instead of using deceit and manipulation to control your citizens and your way of running the government, you should focus on the needs of your population so that you can become a great country again. The American people deserve a lot more and they deserve nothing but the best. Instead of protecting your citizens that hate other countries, protect those that are proponents of peace. For example, instead of Representative Rashida Tlaib, who is of Palestinian descent, openly uses her platform to promote hate against Saudi Arabia. However ,Israel gets full support from the U.S and has disbursed significant financial aid she remained silent . It is not a good idea to have such haters of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to be allowed to do so.
بواسطة : دكتوره ريم العنزي
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